hazards associated with welding/high heat
Building the Ron Reil style propane burner
Great forge info, including the mini forge and coffee can forge
Indian George's Forge building tutorial
JTH7 torch for use in the one fire brick forge
Melting & casting metal with homemade stuff and a tiny budget!
My Quick and Easy Propane Fired Forge
fire brick forge (background) and pipe forge
Plans of a Venturi Burner for Propane-Gas (PDF)
Ron Riel's site- great forge/burner information
Soft kiln brick heating chamber (forge)
Troubleshooting Your New Forge or Burner
Coal/Coke-forge, Several Designs & Ideas
How to Build a Forge for under $150
Primitive blacksmithing - drawing of a very simple sword forge. I've seen variations of this type of forge in different photos of primitive forges
The forge fire - scroll down
The Portable, Affordable Bobby's Forge!
Refractory supplies - Ellis Custom Custom Knifeworks
Burner components and pipe fittings
Propane regulators and assemblies
Steel for knifemaking and damascus
Charcoal from the grocery store
Charcoal Making and Forging in the Japanese Tradition (pictorial)
Making Insulating Castable Refractory from common materials
Testing Refractories: Flux resistance
Anvil made from 2" steel plate
Build an anvil stand (,pdf)
Making a good inexpensive anvil
Using a sledge hammer as an anvil
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