Multiple tutorial sites: _________________________________________________________________________
Please use your browser's "Find" function to search for items of particular interest on this page. - Tutorials by Tom Anderson
Tutorial on Building a Frame-Lock Folder
Tutorial on Customizing Pivot Screws
Tutorial on Installing Simple Inlays
Tutorial on Making a Custom Pivot Assembly
Tutorial on Making Titanium Spacers
Tutorial on Measurement and Layout
Tutorial on Multi-Stage Anodization
Tutorial on Selectively Etching a Blade - See "Work Instructions" for tutorials from Brisa
How to make a leather handled knife]Tutorials%20Archive - Tutorials at
Scandinavian blade/ san mai Tutorial - Tutorials by Rob Brown
Tapering Tangs
Fitting Guards
Fitting Bolsters
Mirror Finishing - Tutorials by Ruben Calo
Making a Sheath and Sharpening a Knife
Making a Dress Up Criollo Knife
Making 3 Small Knives with Filework
Making an Integral Criollo Knife
Making a Sheath for a Criollo Knife - Techniques, Tools and Information from Kevin Cashen
Alpha Iron
Gamma Iron
Down as of 8-6-2006
Steel Selection
Pattern Welding
Scabbard making
Down as of 8-6-2006
Coal Forges
Gas Forges
Hardness (Rockwell) Tester
TTT (IT) Diagram
Salt Baths
The Matherton Forge Metallurgical Research and Development Lab - Tutorials by Chris Crawford
How To Build a Scale
Release Automatic
(Available on VHS and DVD)
How To Forge a Frontier
Style Tomahawk - With Bruce Evans
(Available on VHS and DVD)
Building An Electro-Etching Unit
How To Make A Slip Joint Pocketknife
Washers From Razors - How To Make .004 Inch Stainless Steel Washers
Where It All Got Started
8 Ton forge Press and the Crawford/Melton 1st Annual Hammer-In -
The Manual - Bob Engnath; great information
Differential hardening with clay
The Drill press......TIPS AND TRICKS
Sanding and finishing with emery Tutorials by Bruce Evans
Making a full nickel silver sheath
Grinding a cutlass ground Bowie blade
Making a "Coke bottle" style handle
Making a "shell" shaped butt cap
Making an oval guard with bells on the end
Making a "half penny" style quillon guard - Information from Don Fogg - from - Tutorials by Dan Koster
How to Sharpen a Convex Micro-Bevel
How to Make a Leather Sheath for the AK Bowie
How to Avoid Common Photography Mistakes
How to Make a Leather-Covered Kydex Sheath for a Big Knife (Khukuri)
How to Post Pics to Bladeforums
How to Repair a Crack in a Khukuri Handle (Chitlangi)
How to Put a New Handle on an AK Bowie - Part 1
How to Set Up a Variable Speed KMG on a Shoestring Budget
How to Make a Subhilt Fighter from a Chiruwa AK - Coming Soon! - from Rick Leeson
Damascus Tutorial
Bet You Didn't Know...
Hacksaw Information
File Information - Tutorials and info by Macabee Knives
Color chart for Drawing Temper
Construction of the Bingo Mihara Eriku (PDF)
Never buy Cheap Swords (video) - From NavaChing - Neo-tribal knifemaking tutorials
The Knifemaker's Quiz
A Basic Bladesmithing Set Up
Accurate Temperature Judgements of Heated High Carbon Steels
Heat Treating the Forged Blade
The Metallurgy of Heat Treating High Carbon Steel
Forge Blower Plans by Rick Lee Morningstar
Forge Plans by R Lee Morningstar
Metalsmithing Information Links
Forged Arrowhead Tutorials
Charcoal Retort How To by Daniel O'Connor
Japanese Box Bellows by Daniel O'Connor
The Proper Hammer Grip
Blacksmith Knife Tutorial - Knifemaking tutorials by NorthCoast Knives
Using a knife belt sander to grind your blade
Full to hidden tang conversion
Visualize your design - Bolsters from bar stock
More ideas for decorative pins - Hidden pins
Training wheels for knife grinding
Scrap wood handle - Leather and kydex sheath
Faux finishes for knife handles - Do bolsters/guards have to be metal? - Tutorials at Primal fires
Tutorial Blade by
Folded Axe Tutorial by
Carroll Hale III
Calvin's Touch Mark Hold
Down by calvin
Nail-In Hooks by Lee
Tutorial.... Again..... by Carroll Hale III
Gettin' Forked! by
Carroll Hale III
how do i adjust the
amount of heat on a forge? by mini musashi
Tutorial on making wootz
crucible steel by DimeNickel
Scott Hurst File Knife
Tutorial by Tim Wieneke
Making a Spiked Tomahawk
from an HC marked Railroad Spike... by Carroll Hale III
Antler Straightening 101
by 1932
tainting blades by mini
Shiny knife guys slab
handle tutorial by 1932
Handle wrapping tutorial
by: The Flaming Blade (photo
links may require a click on the url in the address bar of the new window)
Casting Metal Bolsters &
Buttcaps by WRTC
Finishing Iron by
Polishing to bring out a
Hamon by Seth Howard
Leather Working & Sinew
Tutorials by WRTC
Handle tutorial, antler
straightening and dying by calvinbow
Knifemaking Metallurgy by
Seth Howard
Making a hammer by
thehomesteader - Tutorials and information by Terry Primos
What is a Bladesmith?
Differential Heat
Steel Classification
Effects of Alloying
Elements in Steel
Composition of Knife
Forging To Shape
Testing Blades
Solderless Guards - My
first hands on tutorial
Scale Prevention During
Heat Treating
Mortised Tangs - Tutorials and information by Ray Rogers - Plans and info from Ronin Custom Knives
The RONIN Online Unit Converter
Construction Plans (CAD)
Venturi Burner for Propane-Gas (PDF) - [DOWNLOAD]
Plans for a simple treadle hammer (PDF) - [DOWNLOAD]
Krusty - The Power hammer (PDF) - [DOWNLOAD]
Japanese Swords
The different Blade shapes/styles
The Sword parts (detailed description)
The Blade constructions (kitae)
The Blade back shapes (mune)
The Blade ridge (shinogi)
The Hamon ("temperline")
Techniques & Tools
Building a Coal/Coke/Charcoal Forge - various construction drawings and blower/bellow types (electric, hand powered, Japanese)
Heat Treatment: Understanding TTT Diagrams (ZTU Schaubild) ->
PDF Download
This PDF file is just a
small part of a Document about Heat Treatment for Bladesmiths and Knifemakers I
am working on at the moment.
Shop Tips
Transferring computer drawings to steel "or the advantage of laser printouts" - Russian site (links should translate, if not use Babelfish)
As to make a qualitative knife on the knees
As to make a qualitative knife on knees II
On the brittleness of bystroreza and the missile knives
Production of the Damascus steel
Production of the Damascus steel
Production of the Damascus steel
Indian wootz, damask steel, the Russian Damascus steel
Scabbards from the glass-fiber-reinforced plastic
Production of knife from the finished blade
Production of the office knife - Tutorials by Ariel Elias Salaverria
Cable Damascus
Grinding a Blade
Making a San Mai Tanto - Chapter 1
How I Make Damascus Steel
Multilayer Materials
Torsioned Damascus Claw
Ball Bearings Damascus
How to Make a Leather Sheath - These are not
tutorials per se, but they show a combination of some processes and
Damascus Ringed Fighter Sheath and Presentation Box
Integral Damascus Kitchen Knife - from Mike Starling - by Tai Goo Tutorials removed as of 1-22-2007 - Tutorials by Mark Terrell
Epoxying handles and making them stay for good.
Grinding Karambits and Hawkbills - Tutorials at (Translate with Babelfish Dutch to English)
[PDF]Secret Guide to make ninja weapons - from Phil Wilson
Books - Classes - Forums - Heat treat - Miscellaneous - Multiple tutorials - Shop - Single tutorials - Supplies - Videos
Sites compiled by others:_______________________________________________
If you see an unlinked
tutorial that interest you, please visit the page it's listed under. The individual tutorials are listed for search purposes, but I did not link
to all of them as they are from sites compiled by others. I'm sure they put a lot work
into doing that
and feel it only appropriate that their site be visited. Many
of these sites are continually updated. - Tutorials and info compiled by Blade Gallery
for Collectable Knives
Insurance for Your Collection
Forging vs. Stock Removal
Food for Thought:
Selecting your First Knives by Steve Schwarzer, M.S.
The Care and Sharpening of Double Bevel Knives
The Care and Use of Synthetic Waterstones
The Kris
A Glossary of Knife Terms
About Stone Knives by Errett Callahan, MA, MFA, PhD
Can Stone Knives be Used? by Errett Callahan, MA, MFA, PhD
Some Notes on Stone Knife Making by Errett Callahan, MA, MFA, PhD
What is Traditional Flintknapping? by Errett Callahan, MA, MFA, PhD
Information about Knife Materials
Working with Fossil Ivory by Roland Quimby
Types of Fossil Ivory by Roland Quimby
Working with Stabilized Handle Materials by Daniel O'Malley
The Elements of Blade Steels by Deryk Munroe
Blade steels by Deoerek Munroe
Introduction to Damascus: Pattern Welded Blades by Christina McGraw
Wootz Damascus Steel by Christina McGraw
Information for Makers
Working with Stabilized Handle Materials by Daniel O'Malley
Where to Get Wood and Handle Materials
American Bladesmith Society Class Schedule
Making a Leather Sheath
Where to Get Steel
Making Mokume
Heat Treating - The Soul of the Blade by Gail Ford
Building Your Own Etching Machine by Jim Arbuckle - Compiled by
Forged Blade Tutorials
Blacksmith knife tutorial
"Forging to Shape" by Terry Primos
How to Forge a C15th Eating Knife
Forging knife
Folding Knife Tutorials
Liner lock Tom Anderson
More by Tom Anderson
Kit Carson's folder lock
The Liner-Lock Folder by Jason Howell
Custom knives tutorial
Blade Finish
Hand Rubbed Bruce Evans
Etching Damascus steel Don Fogg
Boot Clip Bruce Evans
File work Arrow Bruce Evans
File work Vine Bruce Evans
Shell butt cap Bruce Evens
Oval Bruce Evens
Half penny guard Bruce Evens
Hamon how to By Steve Agocs
Cutlass Grind Bruce Evens
How I make Damascus Steel
Damascus Tutorial
Sheath's Tutorials
Andersson : Sheath Making
Full silver sheath Bruce Evans
Make a pouch sheath
How to make Pouch sheath
Constructing a Pouch Sheath
How to make a split pouch clip on sheath
Leather-Covered Kydex Sheath for Big Knives
Woodcraft sheath-making
Handles Tutorials
Cord wrapped Knife Handles
Cord Wrapping Your Handles by Greg Watkins
Tsuka-maki, The Art of Japanese Sword
Coke bottle handle Bruce Evens
Mortised Tangs Terry Primos
Scale (slab) Dan Gray
Heat Treating Tutorials
Heat Treating Practices At by Timken Latrobe Steel
Salt Baths Kevin Cashen
Heat treat
Ed Fowlers heat treat
Scale prevention with PBC for temps under 1600 deg Terry Primos
Heat treating 1084 Steel
5160 steel spec's and heat treating
The Metallurgy of Heat Treating High Carbon Steel
A Woodworker’s Guide to Tool Steel and Heat Treating
General and Shop Tutorials
How make Anodizer? Anodizer - Bob Warner
How make Electro-Etching Unit? Electro-Etching Unit - Bob Warner
How make Forge?
Coal - equipment, materials, constructed - Bob Warner
Gas - Forge Building Tutorial - Indian George Knives
Forge and Burner Design Pages - Ron Reil
My Quick and Easy Propane Fired Forge - James Riser
The Famous 10 Minute Forge - Jock Dempsey
Gas forge Don Fogg
Propane Forge and Burner - Bob Warner
Very Simple Gas Forge
The Japanese Box Bellows by Daniel O'Connor
The Charcoal Retort by Daniel O'Connor
Forge Plans by R. Lee Morningstar
How make Salt bath?
Salt bath - Kevin Cashen
French site (translated by Google, links will also be translated) - Tutorials from
Forge and heat treatments of the blades
The grain of steel in images.
Some steel charts
Shrinkage cracks of hardening
Manufacture of a burner for a forging mill with gas (by YaCo)
Forge grips (by Fabian)
Colors of hardening
Plans of the Vernet trip hammer
Chop with edge sandwich (by Tacol )
Use of a three-phase electric motor 380 V in single-phase current 220 V
Manufacture of a Piemontais knife (by Mick ) - Friction folder tutorial
Manufacture of a case out of wood -
A very good site: many knifemaking links compiled and categorized by Dan
JDM5160 John Deere control( rock) shaft steel now available (new steel)$2.50a pound, get it now..
Used commercial Bands aw blade steel for sale $1.50 per pound plus S&H
When Disaster strikes a fellow knifemaker you can help out here ,
You thinking Credit Card Fraud??
budget casting supply Rio Grande, Casting supply's to Jewelry
Need your files re-sharpened and other tools??
Arkansas Oilstones
Hall's Arkansas Oilstones, Inc. Over a Quarter Century Of The World's Best
Band saw Blades
Flat groundO1,A2,D2,S7,and drill rod.
Gun Kote Some Forum info on it. transformers plus
gadgets, clamps to air vices ,
Touch mark Gallery
Build it yourself
Anodizer Bob Warner
Anodizer Jason Howell
photo resist exposure unit Bob Warner
Electro-Etching Unit Bob Warner
Forge.......Satanite Refractory, Kaowool, ITC-100; please mention Knivesby,com
Coal Bob Warner
Gas Indian George
Gas Ron Reil
Gas Larry Zoeller
Gas James Riser
Gas Don Fogg
Gas D W Wilson
Gas Bob Warner
Gas Lionel Oliver II
Gas Very Simple Forge
Hydraulic Presses
Hydraulic Presses Don Fogg Knives
part numbers for building a press parts that IG used for Big Bertha
building a press IG's Big Bertha
more tools by Bob Warner
Photo Light Box
Light Box By Coop
Salt Pots
Elec. & Gas Kevin Cashen
Gas Salt pot plans Mike Starling Warnings Gas controls
Knife Making Tutorials
Antler Straightening
Antler Straightening 101 from 1932 on linked from Bladeforums
Blade Finish
Hand Rubbed Bruce Evans
Etching Don Fogg
Hand Rubbed Engnath
Polish Engnath
Pewter Bolsters Wild Rose Trading Company
Lost Wax Casting BY Rich Waugh
Boot Clip Bruce Evans
Scottish and matching Wooden Sheath Vince Evans
File work
Arrow Bruce Evans
Vine Bruce Evans
Liner lock Tom Anderson
More by Tom Anderson
Liner Lock Kit Carson
Forging a Blade Carroll Hale III
Forging a Blade Calvin Bowman
Forging a Blade Article Nick Wheeler
Shell butt cap Bruce Evens
Oval Bruce Evens
Half penny guard Bruce Evens
Hamon how to By Steve Agocs,CHIRO75 on BFC
cord wrap Michael Murphy
cord wrap Greg Watkins
The Art of Tsukamaki The Art of Japanese Sword, Thomas L .Buck
Coke bottle handle Bruce Evens
Mortised Tangs Terry Primos
Scale (slab ) Dan Gray
Heat Treating
Heat Treating Practices At by Timken Latrobe Steel
Salt Baths Kevin Cashen
Salt problems? forum talk
Forging heat temps At
Forging heat temps At
by Forge Ed Fowler
Scale prevention with PBC for temps under1 600 deg Terry Primos
Case Hardening Forum
Escutcheon Dan Gray
Peening Pins Dan Gray
Turks Head Knot Dan Kohn
Scandinavian Tommy Andersson
Sewing Leather Chuck, Wild Rose Trading Company
Stitch Pony Chuck, Wild Rose Trading Company
Medal Bruce Evans
Mex loop Wild Rose Trading Company
Pouch Bruce Evans
Pouch Dan Gray
Braided leather keeper strap Dan Gray
Pouch Stone and Steel knife works
Clip Tracy Mickley
Kydex under Leather Dan Koster on BFC
Wood Edgewise, hosted on Old Jimbo 's website
Dipping Mike Hull
Welts Making adjustable Welts Wild Rose Trading Company
More links for Sheath making on BFC
Guard Bruce Evans
Guard Bob Van Gelder
silver soldering guards tips from the knifeForum Guys
forging Kevin R. Cashen
How Sword Making Works Don Fogg
leather By Ron Ross
Find Material Safety Data Sheets on what you are using here
SHOPS WARF, Machine shop type info, wire gage, bolt head Identification, Tons Required to Punch holes, and more
Heat Treating Temps and more
Machinery's Handbook,1924 edition
RWL-34 Damasteel
440C heat treating by crucible
154CM heat treating by crucible
cpms30V heat treating by crucible
cpms60v heat treating by crucible
cpmS90v heat treating by crucible
cpm3V heat treating by crucible
cpm10V heat treating by crucible
A2 heat treating by crucible
D2 heat treating by crucible
REXM2 heat treating by crucible
1084 heat treating by Kevin Cashen
10XX steels and more
10XX steels
15n20 band saw steel HUB-15n20
UHB15 band saw steel
5160JDM5160 New John-Deere control shaft steel
5160 steel spec's and heat treating
Steel Alloys and more
Element Content and how it effects steel
NEW Interrupted quenches "normal" quench, BFC
Composition for common knife steels
Forging temps and more
Drill Tap Chart
Cutlass Grind Bruce Evens
Hollow grind line Height Calculator on
Motor questions
3 phase BFC
making a 3 phase rotary converter DIYBFC
photo-etch on metal Karen Christians, author
Static Shock from your grinder/buffers
Tools you can make
Amber (working with)
Interesting Information
Things that help at knife shows, bladeforums
What Sells???
Etching Damasteel
Who The Heck Are Ya? On Bladeforums
Theo's Knife Links Portal,over3,000links
a bunch of Jewelry Welding and Fabrication Links
forging or stock removal, Best quality knife? Is Edge packing a myth??
Junk Yard Steel
Adobe Photo Shop to design ANY knife you want? Phil's website
Cuir Bouilli/Hardened Leather FAQ
grain size and deep Cryo( liquidNitrogen,N2) BY Cliff Stamp
grain size being too small is not a good thing?
Does Forged steel have memory??
Finishing Stones Don Fogg
Gun Bluing Salts
Soldering Stainless and Work Hardening
Photo Taking By pendentive, Dan Koster
Using and warnings for Potassium-Permanganate to color Antler
Understanding Steel make-up Robert Cella, metallurgist - compiled by
"Talonite- New Blade Material" by Chuck Bybee
"Timascus - The New Damascus" by Chuck Bybee
"Cyber Blades" By Pat Covert in American Handgunner
Chris Reeve Knives FAQ
S30V Stainless: New Steel for Chris Reeve
"The Lost Knife" by R.N. Friedland
Oregon Knife Collectors Assn Show 2001 Picture Review
2000 ABS Cutting Competition by Larry Connelley
Batson Blade Symposium 2001 by Larry Connelley
Bill Moran School of Bladesmithing 2003 Class Schedule
Heat Treating & Etching Instructions for Thunderforged™ Damascus
"Bowie Knife Fight at the Arkansas Capital" by Larry Connelle
"Testing Blades" by Terry Primos
"Forging or Stock Removal?" by Terry Primos
"Differential Heat Treating" by Terry Primos
"Steel Classification" by Terry Primos
"Forging to Shape" by Terry Primos
"Collecting Knives as Art" by Paracelsus
"Caring For Your Knife" by Joseph Szilaski
"New York Show 99 Pictures" by Larry Connelley
"99' ABS Fall Hammer-In" by Larry Connelley
"The Vacuum Compressor" by Curtis M. Wilson
"File Work Patterns" by Curtis M Wilson
"A Workers View on Stabilization" by Curtis Wilson
ABS Hall of Fame Photos - 1999
Interview with Bill Moran by Larry Connelley
Knife Encyclopedia
Spring '99 Hammer-In Photos
"Safety Tips for Knife Makers" by Allen Elishewitz
"Safety Tips for Knife Makers - Part 2" by Allen Elishewitz
"Evaluating A Custom Knife" by Darrel Ralph
"Plain vs. Serrated" by Joe Talmadge
"Combat Knives" by Allen Elishewitz
"My Perspective on Collecting" by Dave Ellis, MS
"Knife Shows -A Knifemaker's Perspective" by Dave Ellis, MS
"How I Got Started in Knifemaking" by Dave Ellis, MS
"What is a Master Smith?" by Dave Ellis, MS
A Knife Prayer by Morris Herring
Arkansas Custom Knife Show Pictures
Geometry of a Cutting Edge by Allen Elishewitz
"Should we be afraid of technology?" by Allen Elishewitz
How to Sharpen Your Knife
Arkansas Knifemaking Tradition by Arkansas Territorial Restoration
Sharpening FAQ by Joe Talmadge
Table of Different Steels
Rare Arkansas Bear Attack
The Blade Geometry FAQ by Joe Talmadge
The Knife Edge FAQ by Joe Talmadge
The Steel FAQ by Joe Talmadge
Knife Poem by Perry Cutchen
Heat Treating Various Steels
American Bladesmith Society Master Smith List
"Finishes on Steel" by Allen Elishewitz
"Fisk- National Living Treasure" Press Release
Chris Reeve Knives FAQ
"Las Vegas 2002 Pictures" by Rodney Connelley
The Custom Knife Newsletter
"The Knife Lore of the Anglo-Saxons" by Edward Konig
Top Ten Reasons to Order
Little Rock, Arkansas Info
"Q & A with Knife Designer Joel Pirela" - New site (with many links already) that allows you to submit tutorials you have or find. - Tutorials/info from
Hand Rub
Knife Design
Machine tools
Folding Knives
Kitchen Knives
Materials in Knifemaking
Parts of a Knife
Workshop Safety
Japanese Sword
Glue Recipies
Exotic Woods
Stone Tools
Stock removal
Full Tang
Stick Tang
Sheath Making
Japanese fittings
Making Habaki
Making Saya
Q & A
Steel Alloys
Heat Treating
Mohs Scale
Soft Alloys
Soft Alloy Heats
Time lines
Color Temp
Edge Angles
Melting Points and Atomic Weights
World Clock
Knife Care
Hones - Many
tutorials compiled and categorized by the Knife Network
For the Collector
Custom Knife Collecting by Jerry Oksman
A Little About Knives by Don Cowles
Folding Knife Tutorials
How to build a Lock-Back Folder by Neil Charity
Building an Interframe Folderby Neil Charity
How to make a Slip Joint Pocketknife by Chris Crawford
Fixed Blade Tutorials
What is a Bladesmith? by Terry Primos
Fitting Scales on my Sheepsfoot Knife by Jens Anso
Setting a Jewel in Steel by Don Cowle
Fitting Dovetailed Bolsters by Don Cowles
Let's Build a Lil' Skinner by Terry Hearn
Vine File work by Bruce Evans
Arrowhead File work by Bruce Evans
Instructions for Assembling a Knife Blade Without a Guard by Jim Lemcke (TKS)
Coke bottle style handle by Bruce Evans
Grinding a Cutlass ground Blade by Bruce Evans
Making a Oval Guard with balls on the ends by Bruce Evans
Half penny quillion style Guard by Bruce Evans
Making a Shell Buttcap by Bruce Evans
Soldering a guard by Bruce Evans
Hand rubbing a Blade by Bruce Evans
Making a Boot Clip by Bruce Evans
Making a Pouch Sheath by Bruce Evans
Making Leather Working Gouges by Bruce Evans
Solderless Guards by Terry Primos
From start to finish on how to make a full metal sheath by Bruce Evans
How To Make Your Own .004 Inch Stainless Steel Washers by Chris Crawford
Tang-tapering Tutorial by Don Cowles
Tang-tapering Tutorial by Rob Brown
Fitting Bolsters by Rob Brown
Fitting Guards by Rob Brown
Mirror Finishing by Rob Brown
Forged Blade Tutorials
Heat Treat by Max Burnett
Forging Chainsaw Chain Damascus by Max Burnett
How to Build a Small Adobe Propane Forge by Tim Lively
How To Build A Full Size Charcoal Burning Adobe Forge by Tim Lively
Accurate Temperature Judgments of Heated High Carbon Steels by Tim Lively
Catalog Drawings of Old Blacksmithing Tools
Heat Treating the Forged Blade by Tim Lively
Differential Heat Treating by Terry Primos
Steel Classification by Terry Primos
Effects of Alloying Elements in Steel by Terry Primos
Composition of Knife Steels by Terry Primos
Forging To Shape by Terry Primos
Testing Blades by Terry Primos
Making Mokume for the Bladesmith by Jonathan A. Loose
Creating a blade to pass the ABS Journeyman Smith Test by Ed Caffrey
How-to for making bronze cable damascus by Gene Osborn
cale Prevention During Heat Treating by Terry Primos The Making of an Integral Bolster Camp Knife by Francisco Ferrari
General and Shop Tutorials
Build an Inexpensive Light Box for Knife Photos by Steve Korn
Questions commonly asked by new knifemakers by Bob Warner
How to build a welding table by Bob Warner
How to build a recirculating, heated quench tank by Bob Warner
How to build a disc sander and pedistal stand by Bob Warner
How to build a coal forge with a car brake drum for firepot by Bob Warner
How to build an anodizer for coloring titanium by Bob Warner
How to build an electro-etch machine for etching logo's on blades by Bob Warner
How to build a propane forge and burner by Bob Warner
How to build an exposure unit for making your own stencils for electro-etching by Bob Warner
A Simple, Easy to Make Leather Stitching Pony by Chuck Burrows aka Wild Rose
How to construct a Mexican Loop style knife sheath by Chuck Burrows aka Wild Rose
The WRTC Method of Stitching a Leather Knife Sheath by Chuck Burrows aka Wild Rose
Theo's favorite knife links - Too many links to list (all sorts; more than 3300 total!!); has a good size tutorial section plus many more related links
B. Evans
- Knife Making Tutorials
Blade Forging
Blade Geometry
Bob Warner - Tips, tricks & tools
Boyer Blades - Knife Info Page
Carving Tutorial by Jake Powning
Center Cross Panoramic Shop Tour
Clark, R.W. - Bolsters
Custom Knife Directory Knifemaking Tutorials
Cyberblade Workshops & Tools
Decorative Pins
Don Fogg - The Way
Don Fogg Tips
Engnath - Lagacy of a Legend
Engnath, The Manual
Etching made clear by Ricardo (Link partner)
Free Gas Forge Plans
French for Knive
Gatherwood, Buckx - Nederlandse handleiding
Gripmaking - Step by Step
How a Boyer Blade is made....
How to forge a blade by Andrew Jordan
How To Make A Slip Joint Pocketknife
How to make Knives (Link partner)
How To Install Scales On A Knife Blade
Khukuri - How it's made
Knife & Puzzle (Jap)
Knife Tutorial
Knifemaking - Step by Ste
Knifemaking Tutorials by Chris Crawford
Knifemaking Tutorials by Rob Brown
Knifemaking with Titanium
Knivemakers Steel Chart by A.G. Russell
Lag din eigen kniv
Make a Puukko Finlan
Making Knife
Making Your Own Knife
Metal Web News
Moss, JP - Knife Making Seminars
Ozark School of Blacksmithing
PVC Hunting Knife Sheath
Ray Rogers Handcrafted Knives
Re wrap your handle
RSA Blades - Knifemaking Encyclopedia
Scale Prevention During Heat Treating by Terry Primos
Seadog Knives - Build your own knife
Smedning og Knive
Solderless Guards by Terry Primos
Some true words - Take care
Stone Knife - How to make
Testing Blades by Terry Primos
The Manual
Books - Classes - Forums - Heat treat - Miscellaneous - Multiple tutorials - Shop - Single tutorials - Supplies - Videos